Vocational Education is stream of education which conglomerates theoretical knowledge and trade expertise thus making an individual job efficient. It has been accorded high priority in National policy on Education 1986. Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Vocationalisation of Secondary Education was launched in year 1988. Government is implementing the scheme of Vocationalisation at secondary and higher secondary level under Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan. Vocational education is integrated with general education through this scheme. Vocationalisation of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, vocational education is imparted from classes IX to XII in government secondary and higher secondary schools. The students have flexibility to choose from within number of trades read more...

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Skill Development Allowance aims at providing allowance to educated unemployed persons for their Skill upgradation. Under this scheme unemployed Himachali youth and vocational students pursuing vocational education under NSQF HP Scheme at schools across the state are eligible to claim allowance provided they meet certain criteria. The vocational students pursuing various vocational subject at their schools are encouraged to acquire the benefits of the scheme. read more...

Ministry of Skill Development has notified certain common norms for all skill development schemes. However these norms will not be applicable to vocationalisation component which seeks to integrate vocational education with general curriculum in schools, funding and placement related norms are not applicable to school education, as objective is to enhance employability and reduce drop-outs and not only employment.

The basic objects of the scheme is to prepare educated and employed youth for various sectors of the country and global market. Since the students passing out of the scheme of vocationalisation of schools education are mostly below 18 years of age, they do not get placement. In this regards the provision of “Apprenticeship Training” included in the scheme of Vocationalisation of School Education under Samagra Shiksha.

As per law, only person above the age of 18 years can be given a full time job and most students in school who follow a vocational education course and who need a job are not eligible. Thus there is a provision to provide apprenticeship to at least 70% of the interested students who are below age of 18, and thereafter a job. The under taking should further provided for giving job to at least 70% of the interested students who are 18 years and above of age.

Vocational education has the provision of facilitating the process of Placement/Apprenticeship opportunities through organizing Job Melas/ Placement Drives/ Campus placement for interested students.
Vertical Mobility is generally conducted to help students to explore the world of work and navigate the educational pathway and Institutes/ Courses.Students those are interested to pursue higher education in vocational education has the opportunities B.Voc, ITI, Learn & Earn Programme

The basic objective of the scheme is to prepare educated and employable youth for the various sector of economy and global market. Since the students passing out of the vocational education are below 18 years of age they do not get placement. In this regards provision of providing "Apprenticeship Training" is included in the scheme of Vocationalisation of schools education under Samagra Shiksha frame work.

Apprenticeship has been recognized as one of the most efficient ways to develop skilled manpower by utilizing the infrastructure and training facilities available in the establishments. This is because, apprenticeship training not only provides an optimum balance between theory classroom training and hands on experience; it updates the apprentice's skills and knowledge of various workplace related codes, safety rules and regulations, procedures, proper use of tools, troubleshooting, team work and communication skills.
Thus provision of "Apprenticeship Training" introduced for interested passed out vocational students under 18 years of age and thereafter a job.

Internship/On-Job Training (OJT) is an essential component of NSQF based Vocational Education. A student is expected to undergo On-job training during vacations for at least 80 hours in a job role. On-job training are work-based activities in which students engage in learning by doing in the workplaces relevant to their trade. The objective of Hands on Training / OJT is to provide students with an opportunity to gain relevant skills and experience in the field of their vocational studies. It provides student's exposure to the 'world of work' and helps in smooth transition from 'school to work'. It gives the students a first-hand experience of working in a real-life work environment. Thus, providing an opportunity for students to:

  • Translate their acquired skills and theoretical knowledge from the classroom to /practical experience in the professional ecosystem
  • Gain an understanding of specific trade and the various practices and protocols within the chosen industry
  • Develop transferable skills such as communication, networking and thus helping in personal development and boosting their future job prospects.

Hands on Training / OJT has to be arranged for Class IX to XII students enrolled under NSQF compliant Vocational Education, for a minimum of 80 hours per job role. Hands on Training / OJT needs to be facilitated with consent from parents/local guardians and support from VTPs and HoS. Hands on Training / OJT needs to be closely monitored and evaluated by VTPs with help of respective HoS.